Sister Mary Carol Kinghorn

Hometown: Indianapolis, Indiana
Testimonial Quote: My life as a Sister of St. Benedict for 60 years has convinced me that living this way of life brings me joy and is the life God desires for me. I am very grateful and happy to be a Benedictine sister.
Entrance Date: September 10, 1956
First Profession Date: June 13, 1958
Perpetual Profession Date: August 10, 1961
Educational Background:
• Bachelor’s degree in Elementary Education (1960)
• Master’s degree in Elementary Education and Supervision (1981)
• Spiritual Director Certification (1997)
• Health Facility Administrator License (2006)
Work Background:
• Elementary Teacher and Principal (1960-1994)
• Director of Formation of Temporary Professed (1995-2000)
• Assistant Librarian at the North American College in Rome (2000-2005)
• HHC Administrator (2006-2010)
• Secretary to the Federation President (2010-2017)
• Administrative Assistant in BHC (2018-2019)
Present Ministry: Director of Church Hospitality; Monastery Service
Other Interests: I enjoy the beauty of nature, reading, and listening to classical and instrumental music.
What attracted me to this community: I observed the prayer life and joy in the Sisters who were my teachers.