Seek. Pray. Share.

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Who are the Sisters of St. Benedict?

We are one of the largest Benedictine communities of women in the United States — over 100 members strong and thriving. Monastery Immaculate Conception was founded in 1867 by four young Benedictine sisters who came to Ferdinand to teach the children of area settlers, more than 1,000 women have entered our community over the years.  And we’ve expanded our ministries beyond education and beyond Ferdinand.  Today, we serve as teachers, social workers, parish ministers, counselors, nurses, attorneys, youth ministers, administrators, entrepreneurs, activists, chaplains, librarians and more.

Transform your life during the season of Lent with this virtual series.

Join the Sisters on Ash Wednesday for this free special program.

Keep it clean. Join our Housekeeping team.

Caring for All of God’s Creation: They Will Know We are Christians By Our Love

Purchase handmade items & gifts created by the Sisters.

Become a Sister

If you have felt you are being called to religious life, get in touch with our vocations director.

Take a Tour or Attend Mass

All are welcome to visit the monastery and its grounds. Schedule a guided tour or attend a Sunday Mass with the Sisters.

Stay with the Sisters

The Benedictine Hospitality Center allows us to open the monastery, where guest might find the peace they need to hear the still, small voice of God.

Ways to Give

Serve God through your generosity, show love for others, help change lives, and sustain a rare and vibrant community.

Rent a Space

Whether you need an offsite meeting space or venue for a retreat, we offer several different spaces for you.

Shop Online

Order delicious monastery treats made in bakery. Or purchase handmade gifts and artwork by the Sisters.

Retreats & Programs

Connect with your spiritual side and with the Sisters at one of our retreats and programs.

Spiritual Direction

Have you wanted to deepen your spiritual life…but weren’t sure where to start?

Your gift and support make a difference.