Sister Anita Louise Lowe

Hometown: Louisville, Kentucky
Testimonial Quote: Throughout my years in community, I have discovered that it is community who calls me to do things I may never have discovered on my own. Community challenges me to grow and be my best self.
Entrance Date: August 15, 1987
First Profession Date: June 10, 1989
Perpetual Profession Date: June 11, 1995
Position: Prioress
Educational Background:
• Bachelor’s degree in English, French minor, secondary education certification - Brescia College
• Master’s degree in Theology with a concentration in liturgical studies - University of Notre Dame
Work Background:
• English and French teacher
• Assistant Director of Communications
• Public Relations Manager, Assistant Director of Vocations
• Director of Vocations
• Liturgist
Present Ministry: Prioress; Music Ministry; Monastery Service
Other Interests: I play the harp and am a trained weather spotter.
What attracted me to this community: Balance of prayer, work, and community life; down-to-earth quality of the sisters.