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Reflections on Discernment & Vocation

For the next few days here on the blog, I will be sharing some reflections on discernment and your vocation. I am going to share how God plays a role in your choice of how you would like to live your life. Take what you need to hear and leave the rest. These are just personal reflections from my own time with Lectio and my own journey into religious life. If I had known some of these things when I was discerning, it might have been different, but I know I could only do what I knew back then. Many of these quotes are from my time in morning prayer with the Gospel.

If these reflections touch something inside of you or make you ponder, reach out for a personal conversation with me. You can contact me through the Become a Sister section of our website. Even if you are not feeling called to our way of life, I am available to walk with you on your journey.