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Christmas at the Monastery

The Monastery observes several cherished traditions during the Christmas season.

On the first Sunday of Advent, we bless the Advent wreath during the Saturday evening prayer. The candle is carried in procession as we enter into prayer. Each subsequent Sunday, we carry an additional candle, culminating in the final Sunday when we bear four candles.

Beginning on December 17th, the O Antiphons are intoned by the sisters, accompanied by the carrying of candles. In mid-December, we hold a blessing of the greens and we can begin our decorating.

The Church remains in Advent until December 22nd or 23rd, when we bring in the Christmas trees. At this time, we also set up the nativity scene and adorn the trees with lights. Additionally, there is a tree in the Blessed Virgin Room, which, along with the manger scene, is blessed during the Christmas Eve evening prayer. The youngest member of the community or someone celebrating a jubilee is entrusted with turning on the lights.

On Christmas Eve, we gather for a community supper, which includes a festive party where we exchange gifts, including one for the prioress. The celebration culminates in midnight Mass, beginning at 9:30 p.m. with a carol service.

Christmas is indeed a time of great blessing at the Monastery.