World Day of Consecrated Life
This day has been around since 1997 and is connected to the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord. It is also the day on which candles are blessed symbolizing Christ who is the light of the world. You can learn more about World Day of Consecrated Life by visiting
As I think about this day as a person who chose to live as a religious I want to share my thoughts. I have not connected this to the day of blessings candles. Each of us has the light of Christ. We each choose to let it shine differently. Even those of us who have chosen to live monastic life, our lights shine differently. I believe that is what makes our life bigger than us. God has called each of us to this community and helps us to live it out. This allows His light to shine through us and our way of life. Learn more about Our Way of Life by clicking the button below.