Sister Rose Mary Rexing

Hometown: Evansville, Indiana
Testimonial Quote: I love being a Sister of St. Benedict because I am called to live a balanced life of prayer, work, and community.
Entrance Date: August 24, 1968
First Profession Date: May 31, 1970
Perpetual Profession Date: August 2, 1975
Educational Background:
• Bachelor’s degree in Mathematics, minor in Chemistry - ISU, Evansville
• Master’s degree in Systematic Theology - St. John's University, Collegeville, Minnesota
• Certification in Fundraising - School of Philanthropy, IUPUI
Work Background:
• 1972-1980 - Math/Chemistry teacher at Forest Park High School
• 1980-1987 - First pastoral associate of St. Ferdinand Parish
• 1987-1999 - Vocation Director for Sisters of St. Benedict
• 1999-2009 - Director of Mission Advancement
• 2009-Present - Executive Director of Mission Integration at Memorial Hospital in Jasper
Present Ministry: Director of Hospitality and Spirituality Ministry; Monastery Service
Other Interests: I love to be outdoors – walking, hiking, gardening. I head up the Stewardship Committee Memorial hospital in order to protect our environment. I have done liturgical dance for 40+ years and doing movement for the first time at St. John’s University in 1979. I also love to draw and paint. I like to listen to podcasts to grow personally and spiritually. I love variety and trying new things. Being with people energizes me and listening to their stories.
What attracted me to this community: The family spirit - a joy among sisters. I was taught by Benedictine sisters at Mater Dei High School in Evansville, Indiana. I like both the contemplative component along with being to actively minister, prayer and work.