Sister Mary Cheryl Uebelhor

Hometown: Schnellville, Indiana
Entrance Date: September 9, 1957
First Profession Date: June 13, 1959
Perpetual Profession Date: August 10, 1962
Educational Background:
• Bachelor’s degree in Education - St. Benedict College, Ferdinand, IN (1961)
• Master’s degree in Mathematics - St. Louis University (1966)
Work Background:
• Teacher - St. Theresa in Evansville, IN, Forest Park High School, Mater Dei High School, St. Benedict College, MHA, and Brescia University in Owensboro, KY
• Treasurer/Business Manager for SOSB
• President of MHA
• Dean of Students at St. Benedict College
• Business Office Assistant
• Mission Advancement Data Entry
• Mailings
Present Ministry: Back up for Payroll; Chauffeur; Monastery Service
Other Interests: Reading, playing Trivial Pursuit, and watching sports.
What attracted me to this community: I was attracted to the teaching profession and had many Benedictine teachers and some relatives in this community.