Sister Doris Marie Knebel

Hometown: Jasper, Indiana
Testimonial Quote: Being a Sister of St. Benedict is good because I am accepted for who and what I am while being challenged to be the best person I can be.
Entrance Date: September 12, 1959
First Profession Date: June 13, 1961
Perpetual Profession Date: June 17, 1966
Position: Math tutor
Educational Background:
• Bachelor’s degree in Elementary Education - St. Benedict College
• Master’s degree in Elementary Education - Indiana University
Work Background:
• Teacher - Christ the King, Evansville, IN (1963-1970)
• Teacher - Holy Spirit, Evansville, IN (1970-1973)
• Principal - Our Mother of Sorrows School, Tucson, AZ (1973-1982)
• Principal - Holy Spirit, Evansville, IN (1982-1996)
• Teacher - Resurrection School, Evansville, IN (1996-2016)
Present Ministry: Mission Advancement Letters; Mailings; Liturgical Environment; Monastery Service
Other Interests: Reading and enjoying nature.
What attracted me to this community: I attended the Academy here at Ferdinand and I loved and admired the Sisters and their ministry.