Sister Christine Marie Fendel

Hometown: St. Meinrad, Indiana
Testimonial Quote: I always thought that being a Benedictine is the "best" way I could serve God and the Church. I appreciate the Benedictine motto, "work and prayer."
Entrance Date: September 10, 1960
First Profession Date: June 16, 1962
Perpetual Profession Date: June 15, 1967
Educational Background:
• Bachelor’s degree in 1964 from St. Benedict's College
• Master’s degree in Special Education in 1979 from University of San Diego, California
• Life credentials in multiple subjects - severely handicapped, learning handicapped
Work Background:
• Taught first grade in Catholic school for 17 years
• Taught special education in public schools for 29 years
• Taught sacramental program for regular and special needs students
• Taught parents and special needs babies, birth to three years old
• Prison ministry
Present Ministry: Ministry to Sick/Elderly, St. Ferdinand Parish; Care of Family Member; Monastery Service
Other Interests: Visiting with people, the Colts, listening to music, parties, having fun.
What attracted me to this community: Taught by the Benedictines, hospitality and prayer life.