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Our Principles: Prayer

Our prayer, whether together or alone, keeps us connected to the other principles by which we live.  Our prayer, in common and on our own, draws us back into the heart of our community, and to God who called us to this life.  Our prayer for others helps us to “see each person as Christ,” and to extend our hospitality freely.  Our prayer sustains us as we work and reminds us of the need for service and the sacred nature of shared labor.

Everything that we do as Sisters of St. Benedict comes out of our prayer.  Praying the Liturgy of the Hours together three times a day builds our relationships with each other and God.  During these prayer times of chanting or reciting the Psalms we hold each other up.  We are also called to have our own personal prayer time. This time is also held by our common prayer together.  We are seeking God in our prayer and our everyday life.  Our prayer is always open to anyone who would like to join us.

I hope that you are finding the blog interesting and thought provoking. I hope that you can learn something about our life and who we are as Benedictine women who live monastic life in Ferdinand, Indiana. 

The main way that we live this life is by following the Rule of St. Benedict. The rule organizes the monastic day into regular periods of communal and private prayer, sleep, spiritual reading, and manual labor. It was written around 530 in Italy. When we first come to the community we take classes and learn about the Rule.  We gain knowledge as we progress in life as we read it daily. The button below will take you to an article written by one of our sisters that does a great job explaining some things.